Welcome Page

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Simili Demo 3 |

Hi there! Glad you came by.

I’m Paul Wolborsky, The Blind Guy who built a whole new technology, MemeWeb! I built it armed with a keyboard, screen-reader, lots of thinking, clever monkey ninja code, and tons of experience.

What is this thing?

It is a WordPress plugin, still being developed, that crunches a website content & tags into many tag-based trees. These Learning Trees glean knowledge from content, so you learn as you browse.

This is a revolutionary learning technology. Learning Trees are Mnemonic, tasty to the brain. Feed your brain cravings.

What this technology can do for a website, it can do for the web, transforming the Internet into knowledge. Creating the library for Everything.

To get started, use the interface below, the Advanced Semantic Tree Retrieval Agent, or ASTRA to learn about The Blind Guy previous work & the moving parts under the hood.

  • Under The Orchard, a Classic Tree has already been selected for you, a traditional WordPress Category tree created by The Blind Guy. It shows 2 trees, MemeWeb Concepts and Works.
  • Click the link About this Demo & read the articles listed to the right. One article, The best way to experience this demo has the next steps.

And now, go explore!

Advanced Semantic Tree retrieval Agent —— ASTRA

Simili – building the 1st Internet Library for Humanity

MemeWeb – Knowledge is for EVERYBODY

Select a Tree

Choose Tree Theme/Flavor:

Current Category


Category Essence

Branch Essence

Site Essence

Current Context

Tree Type>Scope>Name

> >




Tree ID

Node ID

The Orchard:

    Sort (Descending Order):

    This Epic was bought to you by Simili, building the MemeWeb

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    Task already exist for this element.
    Write your message in the existing thread.
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